Catalogue - Data Analysis

The information provided in this catalogue (which is constantly being updated) is the result of Cascais City Council's Data Driven and Big Data systems. The tables presented are interactive. We propose two possible ways to carry out your search:

A) Search for titles by area of activity:


1. Trees in public spaces - number of trees, location, species... Click here

2. Pedagogical Gardens - the figures for Cascais Ambiente's educational environmental awareness service. Click here

3. Residometre - monitoring urban waste collection. Click here


Economy & Innovation

1. Youth Entrepreneurship - Evolution: number of projects, participants, schools... Click here

2. Cascais Tourism 2021 - Number of facilities, guests, average price... Click here



1. Cascais shops, evolution - Number of attendances, average waiting time, by service... Click here

2. Food support - Organisations on the ground and the type of support they provide throughout the municipality... Click here

3. Social Grants - Planned and executed investment, number of applications, childcare centres... Click here



1. Buses versus Municipal Public Schools - Municipal and Intermunicipal Lines. Click here 

2. Electric vehicles, where to fill up - Click here


Life Quality

1. Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Frequency of Physical Activity - Questionnaire: food, leisure spaces... Click here

2. Sports offer in Cascais - sports, gyms and companies, sports clubs. Click here

3. Physical activity, where to practise it - fitness/maintenance, sports centres, other spaces. Click here

4. IronMan 2021 and 2022 - Number of participants, economic impact, event structure. Click here


Society & Education

1. Non-Professional Cultural Activities, Where to Practise - fine arts and crafts, music, dance... Click here

2. Cascais Info - Information about Cascais: demographics, territory, facilities and services. Click here

3. Participatory Budget, evolution 2011/2022 - Click here

4. Youth Participatory Budget, evolution 2016/2022 - Click here

5. Public Education Network, evolution 2020/2024 - number of teachers, pupils, foreigners, schools... Click here

6. Youth Volunteering Programme, evolution 2017/2022 - Click here


B) Search the titles in alphabetical order:

A - E

1. Buses versus Municipal Public Schools - Municipal and Intermunicipal Lines. Click here 

2. Cascais shops, evolution - Number of attendances, average waiting time, by service... Click here

3. Electric vehicles, where to fill up - Click here

F - J

1. Food support - Organisations on the ground and the type of support they provide throughout the municipality... Click here

2. Healthy Lifestyle Habits and Frequency of Physical Activity - Questionnaire: food, leisure spaces... Click here

3. IronMan 2021 and 2022 - Number of participants, economic impact, event structure. Click here



L - P

1. Non-Professional Cultural Activities, Where to Practise - fine arts and crafts, music, dance... Click here

2. Participatory Budget, evolution 2011/2022 - Click here

3. Pedagogical Gardens - the figures for Cascais Ambiente's educational environmental awareness service. Click here

4. Physical activity, where to practise it - fitness/maintenance, sports centres, other spaces. Click here

5. Public Education Network, evolution 2020/2024 - number of teachers, pupils, foreigners, schools... Click here

Q - Z

1. Residometre - monitoring urban waste collection. Click here

2. Social Grants - Planned and executed investment, number of applications, childcare centres... Click here

3. Sports offer in Cascais - sports, gyms and companies, sports clubs. Click here

4. Tourism Cascais 2021 - Number of facilities, guests, average price... Click here

5. Trees in public spaces - number of trees, location, species... Click here

6. Youth Entrepreneurship - Evolution: number of projects, participants, schools... Click here

7. Youth Participatory Budget, evolution 2016/2022 - Click here

8. Youth Volunteering Programme, evolution 2017/2022 - Click her

If you have any questions or would like to request any information, please contact us! Click here