The Data Cascais team participated in a side event that took place during the Oceans Conference, held in Lisbon in June 2022.
The panel “Smart Ocean(s) — Deep Ocean Tech / Ocean Data | Today and the Future" was promoted by the Reef Company and intended to showcase the application of innovative ways to promote sustainability and regeneration of ocean life, by bringing together technology and data analysis.
In this context, we had the opportunity to share the data driven vision advocated by the city council, where real-time data collection is the basis for operational management, and simultaneously contributes to the strategic definition for the search of new solutions.
In a municipality with a coastline of over 30 km, as is the case of Cascais, ocean data is especially relevant and creates synergy opportunities to better understand what is happening in our coastline, but also in similar territories.
Based on this kind of information, we can act in a timely manner to monitor and solve challenges. This is where the Reef Company comes in, as a potential partner of the municipality, since an eventual collaboration between both could determine the sensing of areas of our coast, and thus, the obtaining of data that aim to lead to the sustainable use of marine resources.